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Ways you can donate
You can donate by clicking the Donate Now link
Send a check to And Toto too Theatre Company P.O. Box 17163, Denver CO 80217
Call 720-583-3975 to make a donation over the phone
Your Donations At Work:
Donation Amount Benefit
$30.00 1 night's rehearsal space rental
$80.00 Royalties for playwright for one night of performance
$100.00 Cost of lighting gels for one show
$100.00 Cost of script printing
$100.00 Costume a character for one show
$700.00-$1,000.00 Actors' Stipend
$700.00-$1,000.00 Stipend for Director, Costume Designer, Set/Designers
$219.00 Quarterly general liability insurance costs
$500.00 Marketing costs for example: postcards, posters, postage
$1050.00 1 week rental on theatre space
up to $25,000-Costs for a full three week run of a show